The Unchangeable

By Brianna Head

We wonder how in life,

of how it turns from peace to strife.

When before we were innocent, immature, and young,

how play was sweet, things were simple, and tears stung.

But quickly innocence falls, sweet youth passes, and we begin to mature,

where stress is rampant, life lessons learned, and the world is not so sure.

How before our little heart trusted in its pitiful innocence,

but now we see ours and others mistakes.

So around us we build an unneeded fence,

We learn of sins, truths, and fakes.

And yet we are taught of The Way out,

and of that gate that trapped us in.

For our Lord, innocent, holy, devout,

showed us the fence was sin.

So that through His Word, we obey,

That He may open up that gate wide.

So we may be with Him that Day,

for that is why the LAMB died.


Following Their Steps